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AIIMS Raipur Discharge total 1472 COVID-19 Positive Patients after Recovery, 163 Patients with 60+ years Age

- AIIMS Discharge total 1472 COVID-19 Positive   Patients after Recovery, 163 Patients with 60+ years Age   - 730 Male, 472 Female and 270 P...

- AIIMS Discharge total 1472 COVID-19 Positive Patients after Recovery, 163 Patients with 60+ years Age  
- 730 Male, 472 Female and 270 Pediatric Patients Recovered in AIIMS
- More than 94,000 Tests Conducted at VRD Lab, 18 More Tested Positive

Raipur. All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur has discharged a total 1472 COVID-19 patients during the last six months after they recovered. These include 163 patients, both male and female with 60 years or more age. It has one of the best recovery rates in the country.

Prof. (Dr.) Nitin M. Nagarkar, Director and CEO, AIIMS, Raipur informed that total 730 male, 472 female and 270 pediatric patients have been recovered and discharged by AIIMS, Raipur during the last six months. As per VRD Lab total 94370 tests were conducted and 2997 samples were found positive. The Lab has tested 658 samples during the last 24 hours and found 18 positive. They include 13 from Raipur, 03 from Durg, 01 from Bilaspur and 01 from Odisha.

75 pregnant women who were COVID-19 patients and were admitted, have been discharged by AIIMS till date after successful treatment. Five of them delivered babies through caesarean and four through normal delivery in AIIMS. Presently 08 pregnant women are being treated by doctors from the Obstetrics & Gynecology department.

AllMS has dedicated wards for aged COVID-19 patients, pregnant women and for children. Some of the patients with more than 60 years age are being found psychological disturbed during treatment. One such patient from Baloda Bazar was first admitted in State Mental Health Hospital, Bilaspur. He was found COVID-19 positive and then shifted to AIIMS. After almost 10 days treatment he was discharged with successful treatment.

Two more patients, one 40 years old with renal failure and another 45 years old are also having some psychological problem along with COVID-19 in the ward.  ‘We are providing psychological consultation to them on a regular basis. Family members are also encouraged to console them psychologically as the patients were found in unstable mental condition. Such patients need continuous medical observation as well as family support’, Prof. Nagarkar added.

A 65 year old male patient from Raipur was admitted on 07.08.2020 with complaint of fever and breathlessness since three days. He was found COVID-19 positive on 08.08.2020. Due to his abnormal behavior, psychiatry consultation was provided to him on the same day. His agitated behavior continued and he was being treated for the same.  When the nursing staff was busy with the patients on mechanical ventilation, this patient jumped off from the fire exit point near the bathroom side corridor on the second floor in C block at 12.40AM on 12.08.2020. Medical staff rushed to the spot on the ground and admitted him in the ward. Despite all resuscitative efforts, his condition deteriorated further and he succumbed to his injuries at 2.00 AM.

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