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COVID-19 Positive Mother Delivered Baby Girl in AIIMS, 15 Deliveries So Far

The Gazette. COVID-19 Positive Mother Delivered Baby Girl in AIIMS, 15 Deliveries So Far

• Both mother and baby girl are stable and healthy

• 09 cesarean and 06 normal deliveries by COVID-19 Positive Mothers

Raipur. All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur has witnessed 15th delivery by COVID-19 positive mother on 15th August, 2020. A 34 year old COVID-19 positive mother delivered a baby girl through cesarean operation. Doctors and nursing staff are taking extra care of the child as she is a special gift on 74th Independence Day.

A pregnant female was found COVID-19 positive on 01.08.2020 and admitted in AIIMS on 03.08.2020. She was conceived through IVF and was a known case of hypothyroidism at the time of admission. A special team of doctors and nursing staff from Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology was deputed under the supervision of Prof. (Dr.) Sarita Agrawal. 

All tests have been conducted to ascertain the condition of the patient. After satisfactory clinical reports, doctors decided to proceed with cesarean delivery. Female patient delivered a baby girl on 15th August, 2020 at 1.22 PM. Baby girl is healthy and weighs 3.28 Kg. Now, both mother and baby girl are stable. Mother is still COVID-19 positive. 

Prof. (Dr.) Nitin M. Nagarkar, Director, AIIMS, Raipur has congratulated Prof. Agrawal and her team for this remarkable achievement. ‘Delivery of COVID-19 patient is quite a challenging task as the medical team has to take every precaution to avoid COVID-19 infection and to keep baby infection free. AIIMS has witnessed 15 deliveries during COVID-19 period in the last six months. These include 09 cesarean and 06 normal deliveries. We have dedicated ward for such patients and a special medical team for their special care. Continuous 15th delivery demonstrate our dedication and team spirit’, Prof. Nagarkar said.

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