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Covid19 Bulletin, 8 Aug / Health Department Idetified 324 New Patients, while 263 patients were discharged

The Gazette. Health Department of Chhattisgarh published daily covid19 Bulletin. Today, a total of 324 new corona positive patients were identified, while 263 patients were discharged today after recovering. In state the total number of active patients is 3072.

Read Bulletin : 

A total of 18902735 persons have been infected in the world so far and a total of 709511 persons have died so far. Currently 35 states / UTs are affected by corona virus infection in India, out of which 2088611 cases have been confirmed and a total of 42518 persons have died. 

Total 366957 for Corona virus testing so far in Chhattisgarh state (RTPCR - 290105 + TrueNat - 28638 + Rapid Antigen Kit - 48214) Samples have been tested, In which 11743 positive patients have been identified, out of which 8582 patients have been discharged after being healthy and 3072 patients are active. 

Today's new 324 corona positive patients have been identified. 109 from Raipur district, 58 from Rajnandgaon, 19 from Raigad, 18-18 from Balodabazar and Sukma, 17 from Durg, 15 from Kabirdham, 14 from Bastar, 09 from Bilaspur, 07-07 from Gariaband and Kanker, 05 from Narayanpur, Bijapur and 04-04 from Jashpur, 02-02 from Balod, Bemetra Dhamtari, Korba, Janjgir-Champa, Korea, Balrampur and Dantewada, 01-01 from Mungeli, Surguja, Surajpur and other states. The process for hospital treatment of positive patients found today is going on.

A 45 year old male resident of Baijnathpara, Raipur who was brought on 07.08.2020 for AIIMS treatment in the event of severe gasping, acute respiratory stars, died on 07.08.2020 despite immediate medical treatment.  Later his Kovid report was found positive.  

A 25-year-old male resident of village Kotlapar Lohandiguda Bastar, who was brought to the government medical college Jagdalpur on 07.08.2020 at night, passed away on 08.08.2020 in the morning despite proper medical care and treatment.


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