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Old district hospital to be made covid-19 center: Shiv Verma

Aber news Rajnandgaon.  District BJP backward class district president Shiv Verma spokesman said that old district hospital should be made c...

Aber news Rajnandgaon.  District BJP backward class district president Shiv Verma spokesman said that old district hospital should be made covid-19 center.  He said that keeping in mind the rising corona epidemic in the district.  The district administration and CMHO should give serious consideration to this and let the government know. He said that in the past, the district administration had organized a meeting to deal with the corona epidemic of all social organization political parties, in which all people gave different suggestions.  In order to provide convenience to the corona patient, covid-19 Center should be made in different places with public support where all kinds of facilities are available for the maintenance of patients with public support, under which 10 beds, 50 beds at some places and elsewhere.  20 then 30-bed covid-19 Center was built.  On the other hand, why the district administration responsible officers do not want the district administration to build a two-and-a-half hundred beds covid-19 center in the old district hospital, which is in the middle of the city, where covid-19 patients of 14 and 15 wards  You can easily facilitate them by keeping them here.  After all, the old district hospital, where only the office of the officer of the district hospital is somewhere, because of this, this hospital is not making covid-19 center.
 Verma has not yet stopped the present-day corona epidemic and all the covid-19 centers built in the past have been fully filled and the corona patients are in increasing order, so I have a tax request from the district administration and CMHO that  Need to think seriously and take a decision
  At present, vaccinations are being done at one side in the urban health center and corona tests are being done at the same place. This is also not judicious.
 Verma said that it will not cost much for the government administration to make the old district hospital a covid-19 center, but currently there is water, electricity, fan, cleanliness facilities.  And there is also a stop.  It can become a big center of covid-19 and people will not face any problem in coming and going.  Medical store nearby.

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