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Government of Chhattisgarh became sensitive towards farmers, tribals and cooperatives: Shashikant Dwivedi

  Aber News Raipur.  State Coordinator of BJP Cooperative Cell, Shashikant Dwivedi, demanded the compensation of farmers and tribalists from...


Aber News Raipur.  State Coordinator of BJP Cooperative Cell, Shashikant Dwivedi, demanded the compensation of farmers and tribalists from the Congress government of the state and to compensate the loss of the committees due to the government's paddy purchase and the lifting of paddy at the earliest.

 They have demanded a difference of Rs. 105 crores in the amount of difference of paddy purchased last year and paid to the farmers, it should not happen this year.

 Rather, in this Kharif year 2020 & 21, 92 lakh 807 metric tonnes of paddy has been purchased, according to which the Congress government had promised to purchase Rs 2500 per quintal of paddy, according to which the difference amount is about 5764 crore 39 lakh 28 thousand rupees.  The Chief Minister is urged that by showing sensitivity to them, the farmers should make an arrangement to immediately put the difference amount of this paddy purchase in the account of one of the farmers as promised.  At the time of horrific epidemics such as Corona, farmers could find this lump sum drowning as straws.  Only then will the farmers get right justice.

 Mr. Dwivedi drew the attention of the government that during the BJP rule, there was a provision to provide incentives to the employees of equities and committees in the purchase of paddy, which has not been given since last year.  Therefore, it also demanded that societies should be provided incentives.

 State Coordinator of BJP Cooperative Cell Mr. Dwivedi also expressed concern over the paddy lying still in open in the procurement centers of rural cooperative societies and drew attention of the Congress Government of Chhattisgarh that 5 months are going to start procuring paddy.  However, about 21 lakh metric tonnes of paddy is still lying in the procurement centers.  No planning is being done by the government to resolve it.  In this way, due to the absence of paddy in the period of time, shortage is coming due to natural drought and on the other hand, rats, termites, bears, rain, thunderstorms and hurricanes also cause a large amount of paddy to be cut.  Is being damaged  In which the government should make provision for shortage.

 Mr. Dwivedi argued that the mashcher (moisture) at the time of paddy purchase is valid by 17%.  Paddy has been purchased considering the same as the basis.  But due to delay in pick-up, presently delivery time humidity is coming from 8:30 to 9:00%.  Thus the possibility of harm due to natural sukha cannot be ruled out.  Therefore, the government should make a provision to compensate for the relief coming in the paddy lying in the procurement centers.  It will not be fair to deduct the amount of the shortage amount from the commission amount.

 Mr. Dwivedi said that all the storage centers in the state are almost empty.  Arrangements should also be made to get the paddy transported from the procurement centers without any delay.  Making the procurement centers as collection centers is a representation of mental insolvency of the state government.

 There is a provision for giving 1% dryness on the paddy stored in the collection centers, but there is no provision for reimbursement of any type of shortage to the procurement centers.  Mr. Dwivedi has also demanded a provision to compensate for the shortage in the paddy kept in the procurement centers.  Failure to do so will worsen the economic condition of the committees or the committees will die.

  Dwivedi also questioned the government purchase of minor forest produce by Chhattisgarh government, in which the entire purchase of 1.5 lakh quintals fixed on tamarind was not made and was discontinued only after the purchase of 40 thousand quintals.  One crore vendors were to be paid 46 crores, only 14 crores were paid there.  Due to this the poor tribal people of Vananchal region are suffering a lot.  While the support price of tamarind is Rs 69, traders of other states have to sell the forest produce collected at a quarter to one.  This is a serious matter and the government should rectify the mistake.

    The BJP Chhattisgarh Cooperative Cell has also urged and cautioned the government not to conspire to decimate the committees, otherwise the BJP Cooperative Cell, Chhattisgarh will strongly oppose the issue with the board members, farmers and forest produce collectors of all committees.

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