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In the month of Baishakh, please Lord Vishnu in this way

Aber news. In Hinduism scriptures, all religious and auspicious works are done in Vaishakh month.  Describing the importance of the month of...

Aber news. In Hinduism scriptures, all religious and auspicious works are done in Vaishakh month.  Describing the importance of the month of Vaishakh, Narada ji has said that Karthik, Magha and Vaishakh month have been considered as the highest month among all the months.  In this month, bathing and donating the Ganges is very important.  According to religious texts, Shrihari is very happy to do some work in this month and it is especially fruitful, while some work is considered taboo.  So let us know about these works:

 Definitely do this work in vaishakh month
 - Vaishak month is best for burning water.  In the scriptures, the importance of water donation is considered special.  If people provide their ancestors with names in this month, arrange water for passers-by as well as animals and birds, it is considered very auspicious.
 In this month, by giving fan donation to poor and needy people, one gets merit.
 In the month of Baishakh, people should also donate melon, seasonal fruits, new clothes.  By doing this, you get immense fruit.
 - By reciting Vishnu Sahasranama every day in the month of Vaishakh, one gets things of happiness, peace, wealth and luxury in life.
 - It is believed that in this month, along with Vishnu ji, worshiping mother Lakshmi, offering them a red rose flower or a lotus flower, definitely brings wealth.
 - In this month, it is considered very fruitful to give a lamp in the rivers on the day of Buddha Purnima during the conclusion of bathing in the holy rivers.
 Do not do this at all in Vaishakh month.

 According to Skanda Purana, oil massage should not be done in this month.
 Do not sleep during the day.
 Do not eat more than twice.
 Do not eat after sunset.

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