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Farmers are committing suicide continuously, the government is printing their applause advertisements: BJP

 Government's claims failed due to continuous suicides of 0 farmers: Vishnudev Sai  * The continuous deaths of 0 farmers shook the state...

 Government's claims failed due to continuous suicides of 0 farmers: Vishnudev Sai

 * The continuous deaths of 0 farmers shook the state, but the sensibility of the state government, careless in resolving the problems of farmers, seems to be dead.

 * Raipur.  is.  Mr. Sai said that farmers are committing suicide continuously in the state due to government policies and bad intentions, but still the government is not ashamed to call itself as the beneficiary of the farmers.

 Shri Sai said that due to the arbitrariness of the said company in Lodam, the fields adjoining it were flooded and Laldev Ram could not sow his crop.  Frustrated by not being able to do farming, the farmer finally committed suicide.  There are many more farmers facing this problem.  This incident is an indication of the anti-farmer character of the state government.  Shri Sai said that the Congress government of the state is working only to shed crocodile tears in the name of farmers, whereas most injustice is being done to the farmers after the formation of the Congress government in the state.  Farmers are committing suicide sometimes because of fake pesticides, sometimes because of state government's tug-of-war, sometimes because of demanding bribe for the purchase of paddy and sometimes due to the negligence and inattention of the patwaris.  Shri Sai said that the continuous deaths of farmers have shaken the state, but the sensibility of the state government seems to be dead in its carelessness in resolving the problems of the farmers.

 Mr. Sayal said that the BJP wanted a judicial inquiry into the suicide case and demanded that all those responsible for the incident be booked for murder under Section 302.  It is very shameful that the aggrieved farmers did not take any remedial initiative even after apprising the district administration about this many times.  Mr. Sai said that even during the construction work, the farmers had discussed the problem with the road construction company and the administrative officials, but the voice of the farmers was suppressed.  Due to the company's obstinate attitude and the negligence of the administration, the farmers could not plant the crops and were forced to make arrangements for the maintenance of the family by doing wages.  Mr. Sai said that the company is doing arbitrariness regarding road construction, due to which farmer Dhaneshwar had committed suicide earlier also.  Even today, due to the complicity of the company and the officials, there is a situation of starvation in front of many farmer families.

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