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Modi has created chemical fertilizer crisis in Chhattisgarh : Shailesh Nitin Trivedi

Farmers upset due to discriminatory attitude of Modi government   Modi government, friendly government of capitalists, not farmers abernews ...

Farmers upset due to discriminatory attitude of Modi government

 Modi government, friendly government of capitalists, not farmers

abernews Raipur.  State Congress Communication Department President Shailesh Nitin Trivedi has blamed the Modi government for the fertilizer crisis in Chhattisgarh and said that the Modi government is not friendly to the farmers, poor and laborers, but to the capitalists and corporate houses.  The biggest proof of this is that three new agricultural laws were made in the field of agriculture to make farmers the slaves of corporate houses and capitalists.  All the three agricultural laws have been made keeping in mind the interest of corporate houses and capitalists.  Due to which hoarding, profiteering will be encouraged and legal protection will be given.  By making provision for contact farming through new agricultural laws, the Modi government is preparing to make farmers the slaves of capitalists.  Farmers all over the country are opposing it.  Farmers have been agitating in the border areas of the country's capital Delhi for several months, but the louse is not crawling on the ears of the central government.  Instead of understanding the pain and suffering of the Annadata farmer brothers of the country, the Central Government is constantly trying to crush their opposition.  This act of the government proves that farmers, poor, laborers do not matter to him.  It wants to remain in power with the help of capitalists and corporate houses.
 State Congress Communication Department President Shailesh Nitin Trivedi has said that Chhattisgarh is an agricultural state.  Kharif cultivation is most important for the farmers of Chhattisgarh state.  Kharif production is the basis of livelihood for most of the farmers of the state.  The central government is treating the people of Chhattisgarh step-motherly.  It has become a pastime of the Central Government to obstruct the schemes and programs run by the Government of Chhattisgarh in the interest of farmers.  Whether it is the matter of procurement of paddy or supply of chemical fertilizers.  The central government is continuously discriminating against the farmers of Chhattisgarh.  For the Kharif season 2021, the state of Chhattisgarh needs 11 lakh 75 thousand metric tonnes of chemical fertilizers.  The demand for the supply of chemical in the above quantity from the Central Government was made by Chhattisgarh, but on July 13, 2021, only 6 lakh one thousand metric tonnes of chemical fertilizers have been given to the state of Chhattisgarh by the Central Government, which is our demand.  Only 51 percent.  The status of July 13 is 55 percent against demand in Kharif season 2018, 61 percent against demand by the central government to Chhattisgarh state in Kharif season 2019, 64 percent of manure was supplied in Kharif season 2020, while only 51 percent in the current Kharif season.  Percentage supplied.  This is the reason why there is a shortage of chemical fertilizers in the state of Chhattisgarh.  Due to the lack of supply of chemical fertilizers to the state of Chhattisgarh according to the demand, there has been a crisis regarding agriculture in the state.  At the time of sowing of Kharif crops, the need of manure is more for the farmers.  At present, Kharif crops are being sown.  In such a situation, reducing the supply of chemical fertilizers according to the demand of the state, shows the discrimination of the central government.  A demand for supply of 11.75 lakh metric tonnes of chemical fertilizers was sent to the central government for the Kharif 2021 season, in which the quantity of urea is 5.50 lakh tonnes, DAP 3.20 lakh tonnes, NPK 80 thousand metric tonnes, MOP 75 thousand metric tonnes, single superphosphate 1.50.  lakh metric tonnes.  As on July 13, 2021, against the demand of 5.50 lakh tonnes of urea, 2.67 lakh metric tonnes of urea has been supplied to the state of Chhattisgarh, which is only 49 percent.  Similarly, against the demand of 3.20 lakh metric tonnes of DAP manure, so far 1.55 lakh tonnes of manure has been supplied, which is only 48 percent of the demand.  Against the demand of 80 thousand metric tonnes of NPK fertilizers, so far only 52 thousand metric tonnes of fertilizers have been supplied to the state of Chhattisgarh, which is only 65 percent of the demand.  So far 74 thousand metric tonnes have been supplied by the state of Chhattisgarh against the demand of 75 thousand metric tonnes of MOP fertilizer, which is 73 percent of the demand of single super phosphate fertilizer. Chhattisgarh state needs 1.50 lakh metric tonnes.  As on July 13, 2021, only 72 thousand metric tonnes of fertilizers have been received, which is only 48 percent of the demand.  In this way, the state of Chhattisgarh has been supplied only 6 lakh one thousand tonnes of all types of chemical fertilizers as on July 13, which is only 51 percent of our total demand.  Due to the short supply of chemical fertilizers, there is a shortage of manure in the state.  The quantity of chemical fertilizers received so far by the state for Kharif season this year is almost half as compared to the quantity received in the last six years.  In Kharif season 2015, 9.81 lakh metric tonnes of fertilizers were supplied by the fertilizer suppliers against the state's demand of 11 lakh metric tonnes, which was 89 percent of the demand.  Similarly, in Kharif 2016 season, 8.25 lakh metric tonnes of fertilizers were supplied against the demand of 10.40 lakh metric tonnes of chemical fertilizers, which was 79 percent of the demand.  In the Kharif season 2017, 72 percent of the demand for fertilizers, 73 percent of the demand in Kharif season 2018, 80 percent of the demand in Kharif season 2019 and 10.04 lakh metric tonnes of fertilizers against the demand of 11.30 lakh metric tonnes in Kharif season 2020.  , which was 89 percent of the demand.


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