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Why is the BJP silent on the inflation of petrol, diesel, cooking gas?

The effect of increasing the price of diesel will be on the income of the farmers.  * Modi government made petrol and diesel expensive by im...

The effect of increasing the price of diesel will be on the income of the farmers.

 * Modi government made petrol and diesel expensive by imposing arbitrary excise duty on cheap crude oil.

abernews Raipur 11 July 2021. The daily increase in the prices of petrol-diesel, cooking gas has been described by the Congress as a product of the arrogance of the majority given to the Modi BJP.  State Congress spokesperson Dhananjay Singh Thakur said that the general public is suffering from the inflation sponsored by Modi.  In the guise of majority figures in the House, the Modi-BJP government is ignoring the voices of the people suffering from the epidemic, suffering from inflation, suffering from severe employment crisis and troubled.  There is ample opportunity and reason for food items including petrol, diesel, cooking gas to be cheap in the country.  Despite the price of crude oil in the international market at a low level, the Modi government is arbitrarily collecting huge excise duty from the general public by increasing the excise duty on petrol and diesel.  In the international market, during the UPA government in 2013-2014, crude oil was $105.52 per barrel, which is currently available at $ 44.82 in 2021.  During the UPA government, excise duty was charged Rs 9 20 paise in petrol and Rs 3.46 in diesel, increasing it, the Modi government is charging about Rs 33 in petrol and Rs 32 in diesel.
 State Congress spokesperson Dhananjay Singh Thakur said that the Modi government is profiteering in petrol and diesel on the one hand, on the other hand, it is blaming the previous government for covering up its profiteering, while the truth is that during the UPA government, the oil  Before the bond was bought, the government of Atal Bihari Vajpayee had also issued oil bonds.  The prices of LPG have been increased wildly, on the other hand the subsidy given to the general public during the UPA government has also been abolished.  Due to this, the general public has to bear the double whammy of the inflation of LPG.  With the increase in diesel prices, the cost of agriculture has also increased.  The prices of fertilizers were increased due to which the farmers would have to bear the loss.  Instead of doubling, the income of farmers will be halved.  In the pandemic period, where the people of the country should work to provide relief to the central government, on the contrary, the people fighting the disaster of the epidemic are being stifled by increasing the burden of inflation.  BJP leaders, who shed crocodile tears on inflation during the UPA government, are now ministers in the central government whose responsibility is to provide relief to the people of the country from inflation, but now they are silent in front of Modi sponsored inflation and are telling inflation in the national interest.  .


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