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International Literacy Day and Literacy Week from 8th September

Guidelines issued regarding organizing the program   abernews Raipur. State level webinar will be organized on the occasion of International...

Guidelines issued regarding organizing the program 

 abernews Raipur. State level webinar will be organized on the occasion of International Literacy Day on 8th September from 11 am to 12 noon and national webinar from 3 pm to 4.30 pm to create environment for literacy program in the state.  The national webinar will be on the topic 'Digital Literacy for Youth and Adults'.  Director and Member Secretary of State Literacy Mission Authority Shri D. Rahul Venkat asked all District Collectors, Chief Executive Officer of District Panchayats, District Education Officer, District Project Officer, Literacy Mission Authority to ensure maximum number of attendance in both these webinars.  Is.
 The concerned officers have been asked to organize Literacy Week in the district from 8 to 17 December as per the action plan.  Active participation of all sections should be ensured by preparing a special strategy for this program of national importance.  Wide publicity should be given to the activities of each day.  For the preparation before the literacy week, writing slogans, putting literacy logos on vehicles and other places.  Hoardings, banners, posters should be made with public cooperation.  Before the literacy week, the outline of the related program should be compulsorily delivered to the public literacy centers before 8th September.  In the function of the first day of International Literacy Day, the minister in charge or other public representatives should be invited before the program date.  District and Block Education Officers, school principals and head readers should be informed in advance regarding the preparation of literacy rally and organizing competitions in educational institutions.  Successful implementation of the program should be ensured by constant contact with all the bodies under the School Education Department, Panchayat and Rural Development Department, Women and Child Development Department, Health Department and all the concerned departments.  For organizing the literacy week, a meeting of the District Literacy Mission Authority under the chairmanship of the collector should be entrusted to the nodal officer for organizing each day.  On September 8, International Literacy Day, flag hoisting programs should be organized in district, development block, gram panchayat and e-literacy centers as well as in government and non-government educational and other institutions.  Corona protocol should be followed in every event.

 On the second day of literacy week, on September 11, a literacy seminar should be organized on the subject of digital literacy for adults and youth in the district, development block, village panchayat, urban body and ward literacy center.  On the third day on September 13, a program on literacy should be organized in educational institutions.  In this, various competitions are organized, quiz competition, speech, debate, essay, painting, henna, rangoli etc. focused on literacy.  Their subject matter is education and growth, literacy has become a stronghold.  Then Garhbo Nava Chhattisgarh, Literacy should be kept as a new beginning.  Especially students, teachers, public representatives and employees of all departments and other people should also participate in this.  Speech, debate, essay writing can be done in Hindi as well as in Chhattisgarhi according to the wishes of the participants.

 On the fourth day of the Literacy Week, on September 14, a special literacy conference of Panchayati Raj representatives on literacy should be organized at the development block level, in which representatives of Panchayati Raj institutions of Gram Panchayat, Block, District level, especially 60 percent women representatives must participate.  In this, thoughts, songs and cultural programs should be kept focused on the subject literacy.  In the conference, demonstration and competition of food items prepared by women- Atchari, Khurmi, Pepchi, Bobra, Pedia, Cheela, Dehori, Feni, Kusli, Airsa, Dumpling etc. can be made at the local level.

 On the 5th day of literacy week, on 15th September, competition should be organized for the learners, in which student picture look-write program (using Akhar Jhampi and Setu Praveshika) can be done.  Anganwadi workers and assistants of Women and Child Development Department at Gram Panchayat level, special literacy conference should be organized at project level.  To make the program dignified, the cooperation of local CAC, Sarpanch, teachers, instructors and local folk artists should be taken.

 On the 6th day of the Literacy Week, on 16 September, an awareness camp focused on female literacy should be organized.  In which the schemes of health and sanitation related to women in women self-help groups, Mitanin, Anganwadi workers, women in Mahila Mandal should be discussed.  In sports competition, kho-kho, kabaddi, fugdi, matka pod, rope pull, run, needle thread race, writing your name more than one minute and chair race etc. can be organized.  Solo song, group song, Jasgeet, Bhojli, Dadriya, Karma Bhadoni, Bhajan-Kirtan and Ramayana competition should be organized in song competition.  In the dance competition, Karma, Panthi, Sua, Raut dance and dance and songs performed at the local level should be performed.  Local level dance and song competitions should be organized in areas like Bastar and Surguja etc.  Caution in corona epidemic, prevention of corona-vaccination, prevention of dengue, malaria should be discussed and discussed.  Literacy dialogue program should be organized in all gram panchayats and wards of the city, in which dialogue should be done on the subject of digital literacy for adults and youth with litterateurs, creators, illiterates, neo-literates, equivalence learners in the state, district.  In the evening, a competition should be organized at the district level for the selected participants and parties from each block.

 District level and gram panchayat level Akshar Samman ceremony should be organized on the 7th day of literacy week on 17th September.  District level letter samman ceremony should be organized in the presence of Minister in charge, MP, MLA, District Panchayat President, elected public representative, Collector, Chief Executive Officer of District Panchayat at the district level.  Volunteer teachers who have done excellent work in the function should be rewarded.  If any person is continuously teaching illiterates free of cost, then he should also be rewarded.  District Literacy Mission Authority, Chairman of Block Literacy Mission Committee, members, heads of various departments, elected public representatives and dignitaries should be invited to the function.  Gram Panchayat Level Akshar Samman Ceremony In the chief hospitality of the public representatives, the successful neo-literates, volunteer teachers in the Gram Panchayat should be honored at the Gram Panchayat level.

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