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Amidst Corona, famous speaker Jaya Kishori filled people with enthusiasm, said - stay away from stress

abernews  Raipur.  The effect of Corona in the country and abroad has not diminished yet.  Lakhs of people have lost their lives and million...

abernews  Raipur.  The effect of Corona in the country and abroad has not diminished yet.  Lakhs of people have lost their lives and millions are still suffering from it.  Lakhs of people have lost their loved ones and those who have been cured of corona can now clearly see physical, mental and economic weakness.  Many people have become very disappointed and frustrated due to the bite of Corona.  Jaya Kishori, a well-known story reader in the country and abroad, gave a motivational speech at Deendayal Auditorium, Raipur, to instill enthusiasm in such people and make them aware of living life again with the same enthusiasm and enthusiasm.  Yes, Jaya Kishori, a respected speaker and storyteller, had arrived in Raipur today.  He told people many ways to make life better and encouraged them to move forward. The program was organized by the Siddha Foundation itself, in which people from Raipur and many places of the state participated and went back with enthusiasm.  Many people took a pledge that they will not get discouraged now and will make their life better.  At the same time, the famous speaker Jaya Kishori, while enthusing the people, said that those who have lost their loved ones during the Corona period should not be disappointed, life is not over yet.  Such problems keep coming, we need to overcome them and move forward.  On the other hand, Anupama Tripathi, the president of Siddha Foundation itself, said that during the Corona era, there has been a lot of frustration among the people, it has been successful to a great extent in removing it.  Hope those who attended the program would have gone home with a good experience and a new zeal.
 Jaya Kishori told the elements of the body
 During the Motivation Speech, the guidance given by the famous speaker and Sadhvi Jaya Kishori to the people will definitely benefit them.  In the program, Jaya Kishori told Jaya Kishori that there are three elements present in human beings which help a lot in our overall development.  He told the audience that there are three elements Sattva, Raja and Tama in the body.  Sattva quality gives lightness, Raja quality gives speed and Tama quality gives attachment and laziness.  It is because of these qualities that the mind keeps on changing.  One should always keep on increasing the Sattva guna, which removes mental tension and removes our worries and the body also feels light and light.  He made a special appeal to the listeners to keep life free from stress and stay healthy by not paying attention to whatever difficulties, troubles are coming in the present time.  Don't dwell on what has passed, move on and try to live life stress free better.

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